



  原書名:Classroom Culture and the Construction of Learning Opportunities: An Ethnographic Case Study of Two EFL Classrooms in a Higher Education Setting in China 
  What is going on in the language classroom? What is the optimal situation for language learning to occur? How can a language classroom afford maximum language learning opportunities of good quality with its own constraints? These are the questions that have haunted language teachers and language teaching researchers for years.

  With the description of an empirical study of two language classrooms, the book "Classroom Culture and the Construction of Learning Opportunities" sheds light on the possible answers to the above questions. In the book, two different kinds of classroom lives have been vividly presented alongside with the presentation of different types of learning opportunities offered by these classroomlives. Moreover, the book depicts the  positive cultural traits that orient a language classroom towards a favourable learning environment from a "learning opportunity" perspective.



  Yingchun Li earned her PhD degree from the University of Exeter, U.K. in 2007. She is currently an Associate Professor at the School of Foreign Languages for Economics and Trade, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Chengdu, China. She is also one of the academic editors of The Asian ESP Journal. As a professional TESOLer and a TESOL researcher, she has published books and articles on language teaching research and given talks at many international conferences including TESOL and IATEFL annual conferences.



Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Personal reflexive experience and rationale for the study
1.2 Purpose of the study and research design
1.3 My research subject
1.4 Significance of the study
1.5 The structure of this book

Chapter 2 Shifting Perceptions of Effective Classroom Practices in China
2.1 EFL classroom teaching and learning traditions in China
2.1.1 CHC, participants’ roles and their classroom performance
2.1.2 G-T method and teacher- centred classroom dynamics
2.1.3 The language testing system and EFL classroom pedagogy
2.2 Opposition to the traditional EFL classroom pedagogy
2.3 Towards more effective EFL classroom pedagogy in the modern era
2.3.1 EFL educational reform in tertiary education in China
2.3.2 “Pedagogical democracy” and CLT
2.3.3 Antithesis and perplexities in EFL classroom pedagogy

Chapter 3 EFL Classroom and Language Learning: A Cultural Approach
3.1 Language classroom as an arena of interactions in research
3.1.1 Teacher-learner interaction and language learning
3.1.2 Learner-learner interaction and language learning
3.1.3 Interactions, acquisition hypotheses, and language learning
3.2 The language classroom as a cultural entity
3.2.1 “Classroom culture” as a metaphor
3.2.2 Classroom cultural components The physical setting The pedagogical goal Demographics of the participants Dispositions of the participants Norm of classroom behaviour Classroom interaction
3.2.3 Classroom culture and language learning Understanding learning opportunity Interaction is central to language learning Language learning is situated at multiple levels Classroom culture and language learning are co- constructed

Chapter 4 Conducting Ethnographic Research in Two Classroom Cultures
4.1 An overview of applied methodologies in classroom research
4.2 My research design
4.2.1 The choice of my subjects and my research questions
4.2.2 My ontological and epistemological orientations
4.2.3 An ethnographic case study
4.2.4 A multimodal data collection process Participant observations Field Notes Interviews Audio-recording Collection of documents and written texts
4.2.5 An inductive and recursive data analysis process Data analysis methods Data analysis procedure An inductive and recursive process and data interpretation
4.3 Piloting and technical issues
4.4 Validity and credibility of the research
4.5 Ethical considerations for the research
4.6 Limitations of the current study

Chapter 5 Portraits of Two EFL Classroom Cultures
5.1 The institutional context and its commitment to innovation
5.2 The EFL classroom culture in Esther’s class
5.2.1 The physical setting and pedagogical goal of Esther’s classroom
5.2.2 Demographics of the classroom culture in Esther’s class
5.2.3 Dispositional features of Esther’s classroom culture Esther’s communication-centred EFL educational ideology Esther’s class-a group of “atypical” Chinese students
5.2.4 Norm of behaviour in Esther’s classroom culture
5.2.5 Interpersonal interactions in Esther’s classroom culture Participants’ bilateral, unidirectional verbal interactions Participants’ bilateral, bidirectional verbal interactions Participants’ multilateral, multidirectional verbal interactions
5.2.6 Interactional symmetry and pedagogical democracy
5.3 The EFL classroom culture in Ying’s class
5.3.1 The physical setting and pedagogical goal of Ying’s classroom
5.3.2 Demographics of the classroom culture in Ying’s class
5.3.3 Dispositional features of Ying’s classroom culture Dichotomy in Ying’s educational ideology Ying’s students are aiming for high academic achievement
5.3.4 Norm of behaviour in Ying’s classroom culture
5.3.5 Interpersonal and textual interactions in Ying’s classroom culture “T-S” bilateral, unidirectional verbal interactions Ying’s kinestic approach and learner-learner interactions Participants’ interactions with text Beyond the pedagogical hierarchy of teacher- fronted interactions

Chapter 6 EFL Classroom Cultures and the Construction of Learning Opportunities
6.1 Congruence of participants’ perceptions and learning opportunity
6.2 “Language learner” teachers and learners’ learning opportunity
6.3 Double-coded MOI and learning opportunity
6.4 Interaction in Esther’s classroom culture and learning opportunity
6.4.1 Esther’s talk and learning opportunity
6.4.2 Individual presentation in Esther’s classroom and learning opportunity
6.4.3 Group work in Esther’s classroom and learning opportunity
6.4.4 Repair in Esther’s classroom and learning opportunity
6.4.5 Extracurricular communication and learning opportunity
6.5 Interactions in Ying’s classroom culture and learning opportunity
6.5.1 Participants’ interaction with text and learning opportunity
6.5.2 Teacher-fronted verbal interaction and learning opportunity
6.5.3 Repair in Ying’s classroom and learning opportunity
6.5.4 Innovation in the “traditional classroom” and learning opportunity
6.6 Extending the understanding of learning opportunity

Chapter 7 New Horizons for Learning:Developing a Positive Classroom Culture
7.1 A summary of my research findings
7.2 The contribution of my study to knowledge
7.2.1 A revelation of life in the two Chinese EFL classroom cultures
7.2.2 A recognition of learners’ significant role
7.2.3 A synthesis of positive classroom cultural traits
7.3 Implications and recommendations
7.3.1 Implications for classroom methodology
7.3.2 Implications for classroom research
7.3.3 Recommendations for future research
7.4 Concluding remarks

Appendix 1:Background information about the university in the study (as in the School document, 2004)
Appendix 2:The three types of courses for English majors at tertiary level (National Curriculum for English Majors at tertiary level, 2000)
Appendix 3:Sample Test for English Majors Band Eight (TEM8)
Appendix 4: Sample transcript of episode in Esther’s classroom
Appendix 5: The use of children’s literature in Esther’s classroom
Appendix 6: Sample transcript of individual presentation in Esther’s classroom
Appendix 7:Topics for simulated interview in Esther’s classroom
Appendix 8:Sample group work in Esther’s classroom
Appendix 9:Sample texts used in Ying’s Classroom
Appendix 10: The text for a drama play in Ying’s classroom (Extract 5.7)
Appendix 11: Sample transcript of episode in Ying’s classroom
Appendix 12: The data collection schedule for my field work
Appendix 13: Sample interview guide for an informal interview
Appendix 14: Sample transcript of a semi-structured interview
Appendix 15: Certificate of Ethical Approval from SELL, UK




  • ISBN:9789862213506
  • 規格:平裝 / 349頁 / 16k菊 / 14.8 x 21 x 1.75 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣
  • 本書分類:> >



之前《延禧攻略》熱播的時候,我們給大家科普過一個古裝劇里不太靠譜的常見套路——銀針試毒(點這裡回顧)。 除此之外,我們平時看的劇中還有一個出現頻率很高的橋段,就是「咬舌自盡」。 ... 每當古裝劇中有人犯了錯時,為了逃避懲罰或者表達忠心,就會咬舌自殺,這死法屢試不爽。 其實「咬舌頭」這件事不光出現在電視劇里,平時和人邊吃飯邊聊天時,也會猝不及防咬到舌頭。 怎麼平時咬破舌頭沒啥事兒,電視劇里一咬舌頭就能原地去世呢?到底是電視劇騙了我們,還是我們平時咬得還不夠狠? 圖片來自:《延禧攻略》 平時為啥會誤咬到舌頭? 我們每天既要吃飯喝水,還要說不少話,腮幫子和舌頭要因此而活動成千上萬次。 牙齒和舌頭做同一件事時,配合得還挺默契的。但要是邊吃飯邊說話,說興奮了就很有可能會咬到舌頭。 ... 當你邊吃邊說時,本來控制牙齒的咀嚼肌按節奏嚼著,控制舌頭的舌肌卻一會兒要攪拌食物,一會兒又要調整發音。如果運動神經一時跟不上肌肉活動,導致舌肌和咀嚼肌的節奏打岔——就跟唱歌時搶了拍子一樣。舌頭沒躲開牙齒的切割,自然會造成誤傷。 所以,孔子老先生告誡大家的「食不言」還真是有點道理的,嘴裡嚼東西的時候,還是不說話比較安全。 ... 狗舌頭每天在嘴邊甩來甩去卻不會咬到,大概是因為人家話少 要是你吃飯不說話也常咬到舌頭,那就不是牙齒與舌頭是否合拍的問題了,很可能因為它們本身「不太配套」。 不配套有兩種情況,一種是牙齒咬合不協調。我們嘴裡的牙齒排列成弓形,上下各一對「牙弓」。 ... 牙弓 圖片來自 正常情況下,上牙弓長得會微微靠外一點,這樣舌頭被保護在下牙弓內,不容易被咬到。 但有些人上牙弓後面的磨牙,長得比下牙弓的對應部分靠里,就容易夾到舌頭。 ... 牙弓長這樣的朋友就比較容易咬到舌頭 還有一種不配套是「大舌頭」。 相比舌頭天生長得大,傷口「補刀」更常見:舌頭因受傷或其他原因腫起來,誤入牙齒的切割範圍,很容易導致腫大部位再被咬上一口。 ... 舌頭還沒好,潰瘍又來了 咬到了舌頭,不光是當時疼那麼一下,咬出傷口之後,可能一吃酸酸的番茄、楊梅,以及各種熱辣辣的美食,傷口就劇痛,還許多天都不見好轉。 這說明,咬傷的舌頭長潰瘍了,就是我們常說的「口腔潰瘍」。 ... 不小心咬破舌頭後就可能會變成潰瘍 圖片來自 潰瘍本質上就是一個長時間沒癒合的傷口,而本身算不上一種病。 舌頭上的傷口之所以容易演變成口腔潰瘍,通常是因為細菌和病毒入侵,引發免疫反應,延緩了傷口修復。 ... 幽門螺旋桿菌是引發舌頭潰瘍的元兇之一 圖片來自 所以要想早點恢復「吃嘛嘛香」的狀態,得及時阻止傷口發炎,讓它早日癒合。最好在剛咬傷舌頭時,立刻含一塊冰塊,一來止痛,而來能迅速止血。 等傷口不出血了,再用抑菌漱口水或淡鹽水漱漱口,把儘可能多的致病菌和病毒趕出嘴巴,這樣有助於加快傷口的修復。 ... 圖片來自 咬舌自盡?基本不可能 說完了意外咬到舌頭的情況,接下來就要講講小說、影視劇中主動「咬舌自盡」的橋段了。 事實上,咬舌自儘是很難的。 ... 新聞圖片:小偷被抓,企圖咬舌自盡 眾所周知,人體大大小小的血管中,只有大動脈被切斷後才會鮮血直噴,很快失血致死。舌頭裡雖然富含血管,但都很細小,最粗的舌動脈也跟大動脈的口徑差好幾個級別。而且舌動脈位於舌根後方,牙齒根本咬不到。 所以就算有人能狠心把舌頭咬斷,血液也只能緩緩流出,不會出現噴血畫面。 ... 咬吧,死不了! 圖片來自:《武林外傳》 以舌頭能被咬到部分的血管口徑而論,基本都能實現自動止血:血管被割破時會收縮,流出來的血液凝固後足以堵住出血口,因此咬舌頭也不至於失血過多而死。 ... 牙齒能咬到的部分沒有粗壯血管,不至於失血過多而死 繪圖:孟凡萌 如果真有人靠咬舌而成功自盡了,那麼他極有可能是憋死的。曾有一位抑鬱癥患者精神恍惚,突然咬斷舌頭,舌頭腫脹、出血,阻塞氣管,最後窒息而亡——這是我國近代以來唯一一例咬舌致死的可靠報導。 現實生活中,除了主動咬舌自盡的情況,還有一些意外把咬斷舌頭的事故發生。比如車禍,比如玩耍時吐舌頭,突然摔倒磕到下巴,一合嘴咬掉半片舌頭。 不過就算真的不小心咬掉了舌頭,也不必驚慌,立刻去醫院,讓口腔醫生給你把斷舌縫回去就好了。等到痊癒之後,又是一條一頓能吃五斤肉、說起話根本停不下來的好漢!















后里傭懶雲朵捲推薦染髮髮廊 勤美誠品附近如何維持頭髮的顏色專業剪髮推薦髮廊 台中質感色系商業髮色專業髮廊台中西區微凌亂髮型推薦髮廊 台中中區減齡的燙髮風格推薦染髮髮廊 客製質感溫塑燙髮台中燙髮推薦北屯髮根蓬鬆燙 石岡秋冬髮色怎麼選 復古捲台中燙髮推薦北屯髮根蓬鬆燙 南屯法式劉海推薦髮廊 水波紋燙台中燙髮推薦

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